7 Shifts You Can Make For Turning Anxiety into Creative Fuel

Anxiety stands as a common adversary for creative individuals, hindering their pursuits in various ways. To establish and maintain a thriving creative practice, key ingredients such as dedication, responsibility, and self-awareness are essential. Oftentimes, creatives confront anxiety as a formidable force, striving to push it away. Yet, instead of trying to erase or diminish it, could there be value in discovering practical methods to maneuver through these feelings of unease?

Name the elephant in the room.

By acknowledging anxiety as a normal part of the creative journey, individuals can shift their approach from one of resistance to one of acceptance and curiosity. Exploring innovative strategies to interact with anxiety can not only lead to a deeper understanding of its origins but also offer insights into how it may be channeled as a source of inspiration rather than inhibition.

Embracing mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can aid in grounding creatives amidst moments of heightened anxiety, fostering a sense of calm and presence essential for the creative process. Additionally, seeking support from fellow creatives or mental health professionals can provide valuable perspectives and coping mechanisms to navigate these turbulent emotional waters.

Ultimately, by reframing anxiety as a potential ally rather than a relentless foe, creatives can transform their relationship with this formidable obstacle. Through experimentation, self-reflection, and a willingness to engage with discomfort, individuals can forge a path that not only accommodates anxiety but harnesses its energy to fuel their creative endeavors.

Here are 7 shifts that you can experiment with in your own creative life to turn anxiety into creative fuel.

  1. Acknowledgment over Avoidance Embrace the anxiety surrounding your creative process instead of trying to push it away. Acknowledge its presence and allow it to coexist with your creativity.

  2. Self-compassion over Self-criticism Practice self-compassion when experiencing creative anxiety. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding instead of harsh self-criticism.

  3. Mindfulness over Overthinking Focus on being mindful in the present moment rather than getting lost in overthinking about potential outcomes. Stay connected to the creative process as it unfolds.

  4. Adaptability over Perfectionism Embrace the idea that creativity is a journey full of twists and turns. Be open to adapting your ideas and creations instead of striving for unrealistic perfection.

  5. Community over Isolation Seek support from fellow creatives or trusted individuals who can understand and relate to your struggles with anxiety. Building a supportive community can help you feel less isolated in your creative endeavors.

  6. Self-care over Burnout Prioritize self-care to maintain your mental and emotional well-being while navigating creativity with anxiety. Take breaks when needed, practice relaxation techniques, and ensure you are looking after yourself.

  7. Growth over Stagnation View anxiety as a catalyst for growth in your creativity rather than a barrier. Use it as a source of inspiration and motivation to push beyond your comfort zone and explore new artistic possibilities.

By making these shifts in perspective and approach, you can transform the way you engage with your creativity and harness the power of anxiety to fuel your creative expression.


Building a Creative Practice is an Act of Radical Self-Care


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